Homeopathy cures a greater percentage of cases than any other method of treatment. Homeopathy is the latest and refined method of treating patients economically and non-violently.
Sometimes homeopathy can help prevent problems and complications in ways that conventional medicine cannot match.
Homeopathy is wholly capable of satisfying the therapeutic demands of this age better than any other system or school of medicine.
There have been two great revelations in my life: The first was bepop, the second was homeopathy.
Homeopathy is the safest and more reliable approach to ailments and has withstood the assaults of established medical practice for over 100 years.
Homeopathy is the true and very advanced healing science much beyond the scope of current methods of chemical analysis and interpretation.
Homeopathy is the only non-violent health care system
The Homeopath comes and gives his medicines and cures perhaps more than the allopath does because the homeopath does not disturb the patients but allows the nature to deal with them.
It is not merely a collection of few medecines but a new science with a rational philosophy as its base.
Homeopathy did not merely seek to cure a disease but treated a disease as a sign of disorder of the whole human organism.
I believe Homeopathy as a system of cure has great scope in a poor country like India and deserves encouragement.
Holistic Healthcare remains a very big attraction. Best of doctors are moving towards homeopathy. There's a mood to go forward stress-free life from a stressful life.
While Homeopathy itself is a perfect science, its truth is only partially known. The truth itself relates to the divine, the knowledge relatesto man.
Homeopathy is supposed to work miracles.
If I was not an actress, I would be a homeopathic doctor.
I can’t manage without homeopathy. In fact, I never go anywhere without homeopathic remedies. I often make use of them.
Homeopathic remedies can be effective in both major and minor ailments during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.
The "Organon" is Hahnemann's exposition and vindication of his therapeutic method. The word 'Organon' is a Greek derivation of the word 'Organum' which has been rightly defined by Dr.R. Hughes as, "An instrument for effecting in the best manner a certain end, viz. : The cure of disease." Hahnemann's Organon is the high water-mark of medical philosophy. An in-depth understanding of its fundamental tenets and critical interpretation of its thoughts guide a physician to a new world in therapeutics. Horizon of Organon & Homeopathy Philosophy provides you a rich source of articles and papers related to Homeopathy Philosophy and Organon. Explore the world of homeopathic philosophy, it's principles, laws and the science itself.
Posted in Organon, on May 01, 2020 by Harry van der Zee,
This article discusses how homeopathy has helped in effective control of Epidemics in the past and how by learning from them we can deal with the present and future. It explains that Epidemic diseases are sign of collective dynamis. It also addresses how collective disease can follow a collective trauma- the events causing malfunctioning of the immune system showing how circumstances and susceptibility come together to create disease; a collective trauma can be both cause and effect of an epidemic.
Posted in Historical Documents, Organon, on May 01, 2020 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann,
This pamphlet was published at Gotha in 1801. This was one of the first works of Dr. Hahnemann wherein he discussed the role of Homeopathic Medicines in Curing and preventing Epidemics. In this paper he discussed the symptoms of then prevalent epidemic of Scarlet Fever and how to use Belladona as preventive for it.